Wednesday, April 8, 2015

March 27, 2015

"Well, SURPRISE. I actually did get transferred. Im now up North in Paulden, where Hermana Argyle was trained. But, it's no longer a Spanish area. So I am now an English Sister. There are some people who speak Spanish here but not in the ward. There's another ward and set of missionaries for that. So this will be quite the a Sister. Not an Hermana. This area is very country and I love being here. Only two roads in this whole town is paved. We have a Jeep Compass for a car but we are begging for a truck.....we need it. Well, I'll tell you more on pday! Love yall!

Here is my address: 

Please tell people to ONLY address it to Hermana Victoria Dreiling.
Otherwise it may not get to me. 

Love, SISTER Dreiling"

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