Wednesday, April 8, 2015

December 8, 2014

I'm sorry for not updating in a really really really long time! But now I will get everything up!

"Welllllp, the Church Attendance is back to 0.... But that's okay! You have your good weeks and your bad weeks. Ya know? 

So I had a dream about Mardi Gras. I woke up and I was so sad. Mom, CHRISTMAS won't be hard for me at all......the worst time on my whole mission will be Mardi Gras time. I will be depressed that whole week.....that whole MONTH. Oh man, it's going to be rough. But, I bet it will be hard for yall too because you've never gone without me. Good luck. ;)
Daddy can bring my camera again. By the way, have you been using it? It's totally fine if you have, I know you'll take good care of it! :)

This week has been pretty normal. We had a Zone Meeting where we got new Key Indicators, Nightly Planning Training, and Goal Setting Training. It. Was. Intense. So much goes into it that nobody even thought of. We were all Planning and Goal Setting wrong. I like how this mission gets like the first of everything and we are a trial mission. We are always in the "in". We had people from the Mission Headquarters come in and they said that we are a trial mission because compared to other missions...we are one of the top missions in Obedience. #whaddup

I went on exchanges this week with my Sister Training Leader. She is AMAZING. Her name is Sister Coleman and she is legally deaf. She is the funniest person, MY GOODNESS. We had so much fun together. Especially trying to speak Spanish together....that was an adventure. But she is just so fun and happy all the was a nice break! I felt like I could just finally BREATHE. :) I love her. We have another exchange this week and I'll be going with a Sister who has been having a hard time in the mission. She doesn't want to work and just feels sick all the time. It sounds like me when I was just starting the mission.....except she's been out for a year. Apparently President is thinking about sending her home for medical....we will see what happens this week. Maybe I can help her! :)

Can you text my brother and ask him where in the eternities my package is? They said they were going to send it like a month ago. I NEED A PACKAGE. It's been 5 months since I've been out next week. Cray. 

Next week we are going to the Mesa Temple for the Visitors Center, a Session, and the Christmas Lights. We are going with Pres Griffin and our whole Zone in a BUS! It is going to be so much fun and I'm so excited! I'm going to see is I can take a name from our family! :)
Maw maw has been helping me with that. It is so good. This church is so good. 

Well I love you and I hope everything is good! Please send me some casserole recipes and beef stroganoff if that is okay! 

Hermana Dreiling"

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