Wednesday, April 8, 2015

December 17, 2014

"Well, Juan isn't progressing. So sad. He seriously doesn't believe God loves him. How sad is that? To think your Father in Heaven doesn't love you. I know, without ANY doubt that he does. He loves all of us. Every single one of us. With our sins and all. Isn't that amazing? He hasn't been reading, praying, or anything. We keep testifying that he will receive his answers and feel God's love through these things but he just won't do them. And we can't make him. Ultimately it's his choice. It's just sad. #agencyisthebestandworst

This week has been....weird. Number one, I went to the Dr.s and got a full prescription of my medicine....YAY. Also, I got my eyes checked and I have 20/20 in my right eye and 20/30 in my left. The Dr. said I only need glasses if it starts to become a problem. Right now, it's not that bad because I'm not driving. My problem is seeing at night. That's when it is bad. But other than that, it is pretty my right eye. Lol. When I start driving I will most likely need them. Sooo, what do ya'll think I should do? Let me know your input. 

We went on splits yesterday with the Young Women and it was super fun. They enjoyed it a lot and so did we. We went tracting so we could give them the "real missionary experience". We got two Potential Investigators and a referral for the English Elders and they got two Potentials as well. Overall, a good day. We then had a Missionary Fireside and it was awful. So boring and we sang like 4 songs as missionaries. Our Ward is getting smaller and smaller and it's sad. We keep getting baptisms, but we keep getting less actives. We don't know what to do. I went on exchanges with that one Sister who was having problems and it. was. awful. She just kept talking about President in the most foul of ways. It really was offensive to me because President is the best and has helped me out so much. I didn't know what to do all day. If she wasn't talking about President, it was about her companion, her roommates, or random people in the mission whom she hates. It was a horrible exchange. President apparently wants to send her home but she won't go. I hope something changes for her and she starts to enjoy things. 

We have Christmas Conference tomorrow! That should be fun! We are going on a big bus to the Mesa Temple. We will be at the Visitors Center for a few hours to see how we can use it when we go back with our investigators. Then we are going to do a session and then a BUFFET! After that, we are going to see the temple lights!!! I'm super excited! 

Well other than that...I think I'm good for this week! I love you!
When are my packages coming? ;)

Xoxo, Hermana Dreiling"

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