Wednesday, April 8, 2015

April 6, 2015

"Hi mom and dad,

So, my companion went home. Well, actually she's going home today I guess. But now I'm in Flagstaff with one of my Sister Training Leaders and we're just waiting to see when I'll get my new companion and when this will all be over. 

I have NOT had an easy mission. (Although no mission is easy.) I've had 9 companions now, 2 emergency transfers, 2 trios, gotten on medication, had my companion go home, gotten switched to English, had my area closed down....what's next? I was thinking during Conference yesterday about how these things could tear a testimony apart or build it up. I have truly had my testimony strengthened because of these things. Heavenly Father doesn't give us things that we cannot handle. He gives us tools to cope and it's our choice to use them or not. Everything in this world is about Agency. We can choose to go home or stay here. We can choose to have pity on ourselves or shrug it off and become stronger. We can choose to be bitter or better. I choose optimism. I choose to be happy. I choose the way of Jesus Christ and to follow His example. Agency is the key to everything. If you understand agency, everything is easier.

I milked a stinking cow. And candled eggs. And held a baby duck. 
I feel like a straight up Farm Girl and I love it. I wouldn't mind living on a farm. :)
The members here all have either cows, chickens, donkeys, sheep, alpacas, hogs, piglets, or ALL of the above. I seriously love it. For service we plant gardens, milk cows, collect eggs, put in an irrigation system, etc. Ya'll would love this area. We'll come back to visit. And Flagstaff is beautiful....we'll come here too!

We went to the Mesa Easter Pageant and had a grand ole time with our Recent Converts and a Potential Investigator. They felt the Spirit and that's all that matters. We even got front row because one of our RCs is deaf and needed interpreters. Bomb. :)

Other than that, everything is Gucci here. I love yall and I hope you have a fantastic day! 

Xoxo, Hermana Dreiling"

March 27, 2015

"Well, SURPRISE. I actually did get transferred. Im now up North in Paulden, where Hermana Argyle was trained. But, it's no longer a Spanish area. So I am now an English Sister. There are some people who speak Spanish here but not in the ward. There's another ward and set of missionaries for that. So this will be quite the a Sister. Not an Hermana. This area is very country and I love being here. Only two roads in this whole town is paved. We have a Jeep Compass for a car but we are begging for a truck.....we need it. Well, I'll tell you more on pday! Love yall!

Here is my address: 

Please tell people to ONLY address it to Hermana Victoria Dreiling.
Otherwise it may not get to me. 

Love, SISTER Dreiling"

March 16, 2015

"I felt absolutely terrible about midway through the day on Wednesday, all night, and then Thursday. I woke up and had a fever of 99 then had a fever of 100.6 at about 4....the nurse told me to go to Urgent Care. They told me that I had Strep Throat. Seriously, these things bring me so many problems. I just want them out of my throat!!!
Then on Saturday, we were on exchanges and we did 4 hours of service through the church's program, JustServe. It was fun, we worked in a thrift store and sorted clothes. I love my district! We had a lot of fun!

That same night, Elder Parry, my first zone leader and an Elder that was with me for 6 months in La Joya, came back and visited this ward. We had a potluck and it was good to see him but it was weird to see him. When we got there, we went into the library and got a book we had found earlier in the week called, "From First Date to Chosen Mate". So we wrapped it and gave it to him. SOOOO funny! He was like, "I'm working on's not going so well." All I could think, that will be me! Will I ever get married? I don't know. 

I've had a lot of struggles lately with asking myself, "Who am I?" It sounds so stinking la,e but it's so stinking true that I have no idea. I think I know who I am and what my qualities are but then somehow, they change. I know I'm super outgoing....but sometimes I need to hold back. I really need to work on being meek...and more spiritually mature. I need to focus on being a missionary and just doing this. This is what I need to focus on. Nothing else. Nothing else matters right now. I know....I truly know with all my heart that if I just do this work and focus on it....put my heart, might, mind, and strength into this work....everything else will turn out. I don't even need to worry about it. I put all my cares on hold....I give all of them to Heavenly Father and I say, "Here, will you hold these while I do this thing for you? Thanks Pops! You're the best!" Then after I'm done, everything will come back, but I'll be more prepared to face all of it. This may not be making sense to anyone else but it is making perfect sense to me and helping me become save this email. Lol

This week I have really bonded with the members. A lot of them think I should be a comedian when I get home, lol. The other night, EVERY HOUSE gave us so,etching that was SUPER sugary. After every house, I would get more and more hyper. By the last house, I was crazy! La Hermana Gamez was sitting by me and I put her hair in her ear and just kept saying crazy things. The ward thinks I'm hilarious, but crazy. Which is really true.....which brings me back to my last point. MEEKNESS. That needs to happen or else I will never get married lol

So what's going to be in my Easter package? Hopefully some music.... ( hint hint😉 )
Just to let yall know.....I only have 8 1/2 months left. What. The. Heck. When did this happen? I'm going cray. 

Well, let me know what's going on at home. Todo cheke aqui!

Xoxo, Hermana Dreiling"

March 9, 2015

"Hi mom and dad! This week has been a doozy! We had an "iPad Reset Conference" with the whole mission on Tuesday. It was with Elder Randall of the Mission Department and Elder Per G. Malm of the Second Quorum of The Seventy. It was super awesome and now we have BRAND SPANKIN' NEW IPADS! The other ones were getting kind of old and beat up so I'm excited. Also, these iPads are ours so we get to take them home with us! Whaddddup....I go on a mission....get home and I have a new iPad, new car, college, and {hopefully} Thailand. #ifeellikebeyonce
We also for sure get to look at our emails all the time. There has always been a dispute between missionaries on whether or not we could or not. One side says that the White Handbook says, "You should communicate with your family and friends only on Preparation Day." So we can't even read them. But others would say that communication means two we can read but not reply. It's always been a "govern yourself" thing. But, now they came out with a thing that says you can for sure look at your email all the time.....not just on P-Days. So if yall ever want to tell me something....go ahead and email me. I'll know that day. :)

So my comps have been super sick lately. Hermana Zelaya has had back problems all week and Hermana Baldwin feels sick every time she eats. Soooo we have been inside a lot. I feel crazy. I'm just sitting in the apartment and all I want to do is go contacting and teach a lesson. I WANT TO BEAR MY TESTIMONY. Hopefully we will go out more often this week or I am going to set up splits...

I got my eyes left eye is 20/25 and my right eye is 20/50 and I have astigmatism. No wonder I have been getting right eye is working twice as hard as my left lol. So I'm getting glasses this week from a member of this stake. He lets missionaries have 20% off....sometimes. Some missionaries take advantage. But, I'm super stoked because he doesn't do this often but my Zone Leaders hooked me up. I'm just hoping my headaches decrease..they're getting annoying.

We haven't had too much going on... It was hard coming from La Joya and having people to teach whom I had found to coming here and not having anyone. There is one investigator who has been taught for 2 years. He is like Mayra and has to get divorced before he gets baptized...buuuut, problem is...his wife is somewhere in Mexico and we don't know where! So it's taking forever for the papers to go through. Serious #mexicanproblems that every Spanish missionary has in the states. Other than José, we have Antonio and his daughter Angela. Antonio likes to keep telling us that he is sober and has been for a year, which is AWESOME! BUT....he was drinking beer one night while we were teaching him. He was still claiming he was sober...I honestly think he was too drunk to realize he was drinking a beer and saying that to us. Something is seriously wrong in his head. It's super sad.... But his daughter Angela, is 8 and she is super solid. One night, while my companions were teaching Antonio, I taught Angela and she kept asking me super awesome questions like, "Can I have Jesus Christ always with me?" and "Can we say a prayer right now? You can say this one to show me..." Then she said the closing prayer in front of her dad. I read The Book of Mormon Stories book with her and she really enjoyed it. We are going to get one for her! I have faith that she will get baptized and be an example to her dad! 

One of the Primary children got baptized on Saturday and so we went to do the "Missionary Moment" in the middle. WELL, apparently everyone thought we should've been in charge of the whole thing because when we got there, nothing was set up, nothing was open, nobody was there, etc...and they were all looking to us for answers. Not only was it not a convert baptism....but she didn't even live in our area! Best moment of the night was when the font was full but the doors to see the baptismal font were locked....and nobody had the keys. So, I had to get in the water, fully dressed, to open the doors from the inside. I just hiked everything up and got in. Soooo stinking funny. My g's got wet and I had to dry off with paper towels. I was uncomfortable for the rest of the night until I was dry. #idoitforthebaptism #blessings

It's really hard with my two companions. One is going through really bad depression and is super homesick. It's taking a toll on not only us as a companionship, but the area in general. Especially since she's been telling members.... Some members have come up to us asking what is happening and told us to help her. WE ARE. But we can only do so much, she has to want to help herself. Members are like blaming it on us. I really miss my old area. Members here are crazy....they also like to match you up with Elders....creepy. I hate it. ANYWAY, yeah, I love trios....I think they're super fun. But everyone in the trio needs to be solid and willing to work through things. When just one person isn't willing....everything stinks. 

Other than that, todo cheke aqui. Mi español está progresando y estoy empezando entender mucho mas. Estoy muy agradecida por mi misión. Realmente, este decisión a servir es la mejor decisión que hecho para mi vida. Gracias por sus ejemplos para mi. Les amo mucho. Estoy emocionada para verlos en la Día de la Madre! Gracias por todo y nos vemos!

Xoxo, Hermana Dreiling

P.s. I didn't even have to use Google Translate.👍"

February 10, 2015

"I'm now getting transferred. They are taking Hermanas out of La Joya. I am so incredibly sad. La Joya issei pushy the best ward I could ever ask for. I found out earlier in the week so everyone knew on Sunday. They announced it in Sacrament Meeting and I bore my testimony. I ugly cried through the whole thing. Everyone has. Even saying such sweet things to me. I'm really going to miss this ward. #lajoyaforlife

So there is only one Sister coming in this transfer and she's an Hermana. So I'm going to the mission home tonight to stay with her and be with her companion. Hopefully I'll find out where I'm going tonight. One of my favorite Elders went home this week and he's going to leave me a note somewhere in the Mission Home with my future. lol Us Hermanas try to figure transfers out before the meeting. It's fairly easy for us because there is only 14 of us (We're a rare breed, lol!). We are pretty sure I am going to Estrellita. That would be....AMAZING. I would be in a trio again, but with my BEST FRIENDS who are Hermanas....Hermana Baldwin and Hermana Zelaya. Oh my...if that happens...I'm going to die. 

So this week was a super adventure because we had two areas, two languages, two cars, two stakes....yet, one zone, one companionship. So weird. Everyone kept saying, "It takes one to dance, but two to tango." And three to make a Presidency. Whadddup. We taught a lot of people and we stressed out way more than we thought we would. But it was fun. :) I love being in a trio. It just works. By next transfer I will have had 7 actual six months. These past two weeks, I have had 13 because I went on splits so many times. Cray. Cray. 

I can't really explain what has happened because I've just been going with different people to different lesson with people I don't know. It's kinda confusing. Wellllp, that's it for now! Have yall found out about the iPad's yet? Let me know....

Love yall! I'm always striving to be obedient! Don't worry! :) I'll send you my address as soon as I get it! You're awesome! Love ya!

Xoxo, Hermana Dreiling"

February 2, 2015

"Well my companion got emergency transferred last Monday Night and now I'm in a Trio with my roommates who are in the YSA Ward. Sooo we are covering two areas. One Spanish, One English, lol. I love being with them though... They are complete opposites of each other so they kind of get annoyed with each other though. It's fun!

Sooo jealous of Disney!!! Man, I miss it so much! Yes, I am like 5 miles away from the Cardinals Stadium soooo we had all the traffic and partying. We had to stay in all day Sunday except for Church because it was too dangerous for us to proselyte. We did, however, go to the Stadium on Friday! That was fun! :)

Oh man, I am so excited for Nina....but I'm a little bitter because they get the first grandchild. The first grandchild is always the fave. But it's okay because I know that mine will be the cutest.....I mean....look at me. You'll have to give me money so I can get a onesie for the babezies. 💁

That's awesome that Mikey got a Job....what a stud. Is he still with that one girl? I don't know how I feel about her....her birthday is July 10th too. I already have to share that glorious day with Geeg....not another sister-in-law. By the way....where da heck iz gubz n geeg....dey hav not written me yet.....who dey tink dey are? 

Soooo there's one funny story that happened this week...
I've been eating A LOT of crap this week because members feel bad for me because I don't really have a companion. They keep getting me fast's so sweet of them but like really, I'm good. So Thursday night, I got Church's Chicken...Friday for lunch, I got Cafe Rio...Friday for dinner, I got Subway. I was with Sister Young and another sister, (they were on exchanges) Hermana Lamb, and I was like, "Seriously Sisters...I feel absolutely terrible." I thought I had diarrhea, (shout out to Paw-Paw) because all the Hermanas basically ALWAYS have diarrhea, but then I went to the bathroom and I was like, no....I have to throw up. Sooo, I threw up. Buuuut, the pressure was so much that I literally peed myself. I was laughing so hard at myself...WHILE I was throwing up. I went outside the bathroom and I was like, "Sisters....something just happened in there...and it's really embarrassing. I'm going to tell you now but ya'll cannot say ANYTHING about it..... I just peed my skirt while puking." We. All. Died. Seriously funniest thing on my mission yet. We went home and I didn't sit on the seat. I hovered the seat the whole way home. Soooo funny. 

Other than that, nothing is happening. I'm just over my ward by myself basically. My comps don't speak any Spanish and so we don't spend much time there. Sooo, it's a struggle. 

Well, I love yall. Keep staying awesome!

Xoxo, Hermana Dreiling"

January 19, 2015

"This week was kind of uneventful...I was sick Monday and Tuesday again. Wednesday we ate with the Elders a la casa de la familia Rodriguez. It was fun because I absolutely looooove that family. They have a son who is serving in Columbus, OH and I met a friend in the MTC who is serving there too and they are companions!!! How ironic is that? So now we are in contact again! But, I love this family! They just treat me as if I was part of the family and make fun of me a lot so I feel right at home! :)
After dinner we took their 17 year old daughter and went to a lesson with a new investigator, Gavino! Gavino is a man probably in his 50's and he is super cool. He is interested, he just doesn't want to commit.....welcome to what every Mexican investigator says.....ever. They don't want to commit. But, he is going to get there. 

Thursday was good, I officially didn't feel sick at all anymore! But, then my companion got sick.....awk. So we went in early that night. Again. I swear, I feel like the worst missionary ever. I didn't do anything this week! 

Also, this happened between me and my roommate:
"Aww is this your family?"
"Yeah, we went on a cruise."
"Sooo this one is your brother who is married to her. This one is single....wait. I thought you only had two brothers??? Who's that?"
"Those are my parents....."
"WHAT? They look so young. I thought it was another brother or sister....I can't believe it!!!"
Everyone thinks yall look so young! You're welcome for brightening up your day! :)
They also think I am adopted! It's not just me!!!!

Not much happened! I don't really have time to write today! I took a much needed nap! I love yall! You're the best fambam EVER!

Xoxo, Hermana Dreiling"

January 12, 2015

This a long one.....prepare yourself. 

Soooo on Mondnhhay, everyone cancelled our appointments. Of course. So frustrating. So we literally just went finding with no luck. :( I hated it because I was just so bored the whole time. An idle mind is the devil's playground. That can't happen. ESPECIALLY on my mission. We did go to Cafe Rio that day though. I loooove Cafe Rio. We have one right around the corner of our apartment. In the same shopping center is Jamba Juice, Chick-Fil-A, Red Robin, Johnny Rockets, Chipotle, Cane's, Jimmy Johns, Carrabbas, Kneaders, Panda Express, ColdStone, Ichiban, Paradise Bakery (Panera owns it), Rumbi,  Subway, a nail place, Boba Tea shop, Yogurtland, a movie theater, Ross, Marshalls, DSW, Old Navy, and Costco. That is not even all of it. Seriously the best place to go ever. You have like 45 options. Such a temptation though. Half of those restaurants are my Bahaha jk! Only if Ya want 6th month mark is coming up... ;)

I've tried some new foods again. I've tried Ponche which is water, cinnamon sticks, and fruit boiled's good. Also, a tamale with only Colby Jack cheese and Green's also really good. Tongue....not good. Hated it. I'll keep you posted. 

Tuesday we ate with our investigator, Mayra! She is awesome! We know she knows it's true. She just has to get a divorce from her husband so she can get married to her new boyfriend. She's been separated from her husband for 5 years and been with Ryan (her boyfriend) for 3 years. She has a 17 year old, 15 year old (from husband), and 1 year old (from Ryan). Ryan is 23.....we dont know how old Mayra is...but Ryan and the oldest daughter are only 6 years apart. Umm....yeah. Also, it was awkward when we basically committed her to get a divorce from her husband so she stops committing adultery. This is what Hermana Turner said 2 weeks ago, 
       "So Mayra, will you use your tax return to get a divorce from your husband to get
       married to Ryan to live the Law of Chastity?"
Yeah she could have phrased that differently....but, we set a baptismal date with her in June! Bahaha it's so far away but she has to get divorced soon because we don't think either her and Ryan will move out of each other's place anytime soon because of Eli (the 1 year old). 

Soooo I got sick again. I actually threw up this time. Also my temp went up to 102.5 (pics are included). It started during Zone Meeting...I had to run to the bathroom and I threw up twice. Then I was like, "Oh, I'm fine, I'm fine. I just needed to get it out of my system." Nope. Threw up again. Luckily, I carry an extra toothbrush around with me to brush my teeth after meals! We went home after and I slept for 5 hours. Woke up and my temp was 102.5. I got a blessing and went to sleep again for the night. I woke up the next morning and my fever was gone. :)
Buuuut then Sunday came along and I threw up twice before church. Then went to church and threw up twice again. Went to dinner and ate so much soup that I threw up again and now I'm just laying in bed. I feel disgusting. I never got my flu shot because when the whole mission got them, I had a cold. So I couldn't get it. Lol, I am sick all the time. 
Obispo gave me cough drops on Sunday. We're friends! :)

So I got permission to go to the temple with Hermano Rendon and his family so they can get sealed. I've talked about him before. He is the one who is like my grandpa. He hadn't partaken de La Santa Cena in over 22 years. He hasn't been to the temple in over 25 years. Since I have been here, he has finally opened the door to missionaries to teach a lesson, has been to church, partaken de La Santa Cena, paid his tithing, and talked to Bishop about what he needs to do to go back to the temple. Apparently all he needs now is his interview. I'm actually really surprised I am able to go with them. Usually you can only go if you baptized the person. I've only reactivated him. But, President knows how hard I have worked on him and he is letting me go! I am so excited! We will see soon when they will go for sure.

Does everyone read their scriptures everyday? Say prayers together as families on your knees, morning and night? It sounds like I'm chastising you but I'm just asking yall to go back to the basics. It makes such a big difference. I know I didn't before my mission. I missed days because I was too tired. Just think of Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane suffering a tremendous amount of pain. He was exhausted, yet he powered through it and performed the Atonement. The Second Coming is coming. We need to prepare. "This life is the time to prepare to meet God."

Take it one step at a time. Be consistent with one and then move to the next. If you don't, it takes longer and it get discouraging. Just like if you're playing basketball. You're trying to get better so every morning you're shooting free throws but you're missing every other one. You would want to get consistent with that until you move to the 3 point line. And so on and so on.

Sooo idk why I'm not Mommy's fave child (we all know I'm daddy's)....I've always chosen the right, never had any problems going to church, chose to go on a mission voluntarily, I'm pretty, funny, I have a lot of charity, I'm talented, I've never given yall any problems (except psychological ones which you can't blame could really blame yourself because of genetics), I'm extremely charitable. Man, I'm the perfect child. Just thought I'd let you know. :) 

I literally study for 4 hours in the morning, then have lunch, then get ready for the day. We get to the church at about 2 and then have Online Time for an hour. After that, we go finding for investigators. We have like 350 potential investigators in our iPads for our one 3sq mile area so we have been going through those! We have dinner with a member at 5 every night and then go teach lessons at 6, 7, and hopefully 8. We usually have about 2 lessons a night. They're just the usual ones like L1, L2, and L3. Ricky can tell you more about it! ;) Then we go home at 9, plan for the next day until 9:30 and get ready for bed. The same old same old everyday! Except on Thursdays we have Weekly Planning and Church Tours. When we have church tours we just sit outside and wait for people to come and take a tour of the church. We've done it since November and we've only gotten one tour. Buuuut we have to keep doing it because it's a Stake Goal. Every companionship has their own day. We have 3 wards meet in the building and 5 sets of missionaries. We have to do church tours with the other sisters for safety reasons! 

But that's my life! Exciting right? Welllll, I hope everything is going great! I love yall! Keep on keeping on!

Xoxo, Hermana Dreiling"

January 5, 2015

"Sorry I didn't write you last week. They told me I was being transferred so I packed everything. You know how many clothes I have so it took me forever. And then I had to search for boots because I didn't know where I was getting transferred could've been Flagstaff where it apparently got 15 inches of snow on Wednesday or it could've been like Cottonwood which is in the middle of nowhere. Well every place we went to didn't have boots. So we had to go a little further than normal to the Tanger Outlets. I finally found some there. But, while we are there, our Zone Leader calls and says that there was a mistake and I'm not getting transferred. I. Was. Livid. I started screaming like Regina George when she ate the Kalteen Bars. So then I unpacked everything on New Years Day. I wasn't mad because I wanted to leave, I actually wanted to stay...I was just mad that I wasted my PDAY and packed all my stuff. 

We also texted all of our members and told them we were being doubled out. People texted us and said they were sad. Then, we had like four people call us crying. It was intense. So needless to say, this Sunday, everyone was kissing me cheek and hands. I felt like the Queen that I am. 💁👑💎

I got a new companion. Her name is Hermana Bennett and she goes home in 5 weeks. People keep telling me that after she goes home, I will train. I would die. My trainee would die. Everyone would die. So hopefully that won't happen....hopefully I will stay in La Joya too. :)

Two weeks ago I went to a trampoline park. I forgot to tell you. It was super fun but we were all sore for like a week after. We played dodgeball with random little hood rats that were all there for a birthday party. When I started playing, I sat by one of them and asked his name. I was like, "Hey pal, whutz gewd. Whuz ir name." You know all gangster and such. Well, his name was Nolan and we became friends.....that was until we were on different teams. I was kicking butt, you know like I always do and then I know like I always do. I looked up and there was Nolan, staring at me, with a ball in his hand. Nuh-uh. It was not going down like that. I stood up and and sternly spoke to him while pointing with my mom finger, "No Nolan, NO!" He didn't hit me with the ball..... :)
I got out two seconds later by another punk, but hey, I gained a true friend that day. I will never forget his curly friend, Nolan.

Has Bentley been talking about me lately? I really miss him. I'm also super worried about da Poopers. Will he even be alive when I get back? I pray for them every night. Sometimes I forget to pray about you guys.....but never about them. Just kidding! ;) .....maybe.
He looked so good. How beautiful his bandana was. He's so handsome. Make sure you give him lots of kissies for me. He deserves them.😊

Well that's all for now. I will try to send you pictures later of my last two weeks. Kay? Alright well, I love you!

Xoxo, Hermana Dreiling

Ps. These are the missionaries in my Ward. WHADDUP. El barrio La Joya."

December 22, 2014

"I miss yall.

Are yall even going to email me today? You're on a cruise right? If
so....when are we going to skype? At like 3 my time? It would be 5
your time.....let me know. I will have to just set up a time and hope
you're available. My skype name is "hermanavictoriadreiling add me
sometime this week and I will accept! :)

This week was igggght. The Christmas Conference was amazing! We didn't
end up going Tuesday because Hermana Turner was sick. So we went
Wednesday....but that was okay with me because Hermana Zelaya and
Hermana Baldwin went that day! We were messing with President all day.
We told him we should be a trio and President said, "It would
literally take a voice from God for me to put you three together." We
promised him 3 baptisms if he did. It won't happen though. Boo. :(

We also had interviews with President on Saturday. That went well. He
likes to joke around with me a lot. He's really proud of how far I
have come. I'm proud too. :)
He told me he doesn't know about transfers yet but that if Hna. Turner
and I aren't split this transfer...definitely next transfer, we will
be. We shall see. I hope I stay in La Joya! I love this Ward.

Our Ward called us into Primary for the first 10 mins yesterday. We
sat at the front while the kids sang songs to us. Then, they gave us a
huge box full of presents for us! They said they know we aren't with
our families on Christmas so they decided to do something for us. All
the presents were super useful like food, 2 toothpastes, 5
toothbrushes, 4 deodorants, envelopes, notepads, pens, candy, lotion,
soap, etc. Oh man, I was so excited! I put on my Christmas Frosty the
Snowman Jammie's and opened all the presents. I cried at the end. It
literally felt like Christmas for 3 mins. Then I was sad. Christmas is
hard.....Mardi Gras will be literal Hell on earth for me.
#mightcomehome #justkidding #ami?

Other than that, everything is the same! Let me know how the cruise
was! Love yall!

Xoxo, Hermana Dreiling

Also, I'm scared that Mikey will talk to me only in Spanish....I won't

December 17, 2014

"Well, Juan isn't progressing. So sad. He seriously doesn't believe God loves him. How sad is that? To think your Father in Heaven doesn't love you. I know, without ANY doubt that he does. He loves all of us. Every single one of us. With our sins and all. Isn't that amazing? He hasn't been reading, praying, or anything. We keep testifying that he will receive his answers and feel God's love through these things but he just won't do them. And we can't make him. Ultimately it's his choice. It's just sad. #agencyisthebestandworst

This week has been....weird. Number one, I went to the Dr.s and got a full prescription of my medicine....YAY. Also, I got my eyes checked and I have 20/20 in my right eye and 20/30 in my left. The Dr. said I only need glasses if it starts to become a problem. Right now, it's not that bad because I'm not driving. My problem is seeing at night. That's when it is bad. But other than that, it is pretty my right eye. Lol. When I start driving I will most likely need them. Sooo, what do ya'll think I should do? Let me know your input. 

We went on splits yesterday with the Young Women and it was super fun. They enjoyed it a lot and so did we. We went tracting so we could give them the "real missionary experience". We got two Potential Investigators and a referral for the English Elders and they got two Potentials as well. Overall, a good day. We then had a Missionary Fireside and it was awful. So boring and we sang like 4 songs as missionaries. Our Ward is getting smaller and smaller and it's sad. We keep getting baptisms, but we keep getting less actives. We don't know what to do. I went on exchanges with that one Sister who was having problems and it. was. awful. She just kept talking about President in the most foul of ways. It really was offensive to me because President is the best and has helped me out so much. I didn't know what to do all day. If she wasn't talking about President, it was about her companion, her roommates, or random people in the mission whom she hates. It was a horrible exchange. President apparently wants to send her home but she won't go. I hope something changes for her and she starts to enjoy things. 

We have Christmas Conference tomorrow! That should be fun! We are going on a big bus to the Mesa Temple. We will be at the Visitors Center for a few hours to see how we can use it when we go back with our investigators. Then we are going to do a session and then a BUFFET! After that, we are going to see the temple lights!!! I'm super excited! 

Well other than that...I think I'm good for this week! I love you!
When are my packages coming? ;)

Xoxo, Hermana Dreiling"

December 8, 2014

I'm sorry for not updating in a really really really long time! But now I will get everything up!

"Welllllp, the Church Attendance is back to 0.... But that's okay! You have your good weeks and your bad weeks. Ya know? 

So I had a dream about Mardi Gras. I woke up and I was so sad. Mom, CHRISTMAS won't be hard for me at all......the worst time on my whole mission will be Mardi Gras time. I will be depressed that whole week.....that whole MONTH. Oh man, it's going to be rough. But, I bet it will be hard for yall too because you've never gone without me. Good luck. ;)
Daddy can bring my camera again. By the way, have you been using it? It's totally fine if you have, I know you'll take good care of it! :)

This week has been pretty normal. We had a Zone Meeting where we got new Key Indicators, Nightly Planning Training, and Goal Setting Training. It. Was. Intense. So much goes into it that nobody even thought of. We were all Planning and Goal Setting wrong. I like how this mission gets like the first of everything and we are a trial mission. We are always in the "in". We had people from the Mission Headquarters come in and they said that we are a trial mission because compared to other missions...we are one of the top missions in Obedience. #whaddup

I went on exchanges this week with my Sister Training Leader. She is AMAZING. Her name is Sister Coleman and she is legally deaf. She is the funniest person, MY GOODNESS. We had so much fun together. Especially trying to speak Spanish together....that was an adventure. But she is just so fun and happy all the was a nice break! I felt like I could just finally BREATHE. :) I love her. We have another exchange this week and I'll be going with a Sister who has been having a hard time in the mission. She doesn't want to work and just feels sick all the time. It sounds like me when I was just starting the mission.....except she's been out for a year. Apparently President is thinking about sending her home for medical....we will see what happens this week. Maybe I can help her! :)

Can you text my brother and ask him where in the eternities my package is? They said they were going to send it like a month ago. I NEED A PACKAGE. It's been 5 months since I've been out next week. Cray. 

Next week we are going to the Mesa Temple for the Visitors Center, a Session, and the Christmas Lights. We are going with Pres Griffin and our whole Zone in a BUS! It is going to be so much fun and I'm so excited! I'm going to see is I can take a name from our family! :)
Maw maw has been helping me with that. It is so good. This church is so good. 

Well I love you and I hope everything is good! Please send me some casserole recipes and beef stroganoff if that is okay! 

Hermana Dreiling"
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