Thursday, August 7, 2014

Week 2 in the MTC

(This post is from last week on The 31st-- sorry for the delay! Her email from this week will be posted in a few minutes!)

"It´s so hard to write because they only give me like 30 mins....ughhh! Anyway here we go. 

Well, our water was out all last week in our casa so we had to go to a different casa to shower and go to the bathroom. One morning, I had to pee so I went to the bathroom and opened the lid. Oh my heck. THERE WAS A POTATO IN THERE! I bet you can guess it wasn´t really a potato but holy crap (LITERALLY) it was disgusting. We call the girl....´´The Potato Factory´´ because we found like 3 of them around campus. It´s seriously a problem and I feel bad for that girl. It must hurt.

HEY! At devo on Sunday, we had a talk from Elder Holland and it was about how he didn't understand how returned missionaries could see the things they´ve seen and experience the things they´ve experienced and become inactive. And I completely in the world could you do that? This church is the most important thing in my life and I would be lost without it. Why would I waste a year and a half of my life if I didn´t believe in what I´m know_ UGH! MAKES. HERMANA DREILING. ANGRY. whatever. to each their own I guess...but not really because I´m always right.....except in Spanish. boo. :(

So my companion has a secret admirer. But it´s no so secret. He´s literally obsessed with her. And his nickname for her? ´´The White Dove´´ Is that not the creepiest thing you´ve ever heard? Seriously....what the flip. I gagged when I heard it. 

So our first investigator is now our night teacher. And he teaches right across the hall from us. We knew he was a teacher but not teaching RIGHT ACROSS THE FLIPPING HALL! We saw him walk into his classroom one morning and it literally scared me. I was Elsa. baha, I´m stupid. So his name in Hermano Hernandez and he´s awesome. His phone went off the other night in class and his ringtone was ´´Talk Dirty To Me´´. Literally laughed for 15 mins. It. Was. Awesome.

I may or may not have flipped out on my teacher Hermano Hurtado the other day, Not in a mean way... just in a, ´´WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT ARE YOU TEACHING ME? YOU TALK TOO FAST AND I NEVER UNDERSTAND YOU. IS THERE A STUPID CLASS BECAUSE I WOULD LIKE TO BE TRANSFERRED.´´ If that wasn´t embarrasssing enough, I was bawling my eyes out in front of the whole class and they were just staring. It was EFY 2010 ALL OVER AGAIN! Why do I do church things? It always just brings embarrassment. JUST KIDDING. LOVE YA HEAVENLY FATHER.

So the CCM President´s wife keeps yelling at me. Apparently I laugh too loud and it´s ´´not appropriate for an Hermana´´
Oh, and my shirts are too low. What???? I wear downeast shirts with everything. Look at my pictures and you will see the only thing higher may be a´s racism man... RACISM! Just kidding, she´s white too but she just hates me. Whatevs. #hatersgonhate

So we´ve made tons of friends, but we have mainly four others that we are always with! Hermana Jaccard, Pullido, Mrozek, and Bailey. We sit with each other at every meal and we have the weirdest conversations. Like The Potato Factory. (I just wanted to remind you. You´re Welcome.) But the other day we all made up nicknames for each other from Harry Potter....
guess who i am.

just guess.


Yeah, I don´t know topic.

I LOVE MY STINKING DISTRICT!!! Elders Clark, Farley, Webster, Bean, Winterhalter, Schow, Anderson, and Benson. Best. District. Ever. I use my umbrella as a weapon and if anyone is mean to me, I press the button and it shoots out and gut punches people. It´s the best. Also, Elder Clark has an umbrella that he bought here and it is so girly. So he named it Sasha...he´s a big black guy but kinda looks a little poly. Love him. He is so protective over Sasha....but sadly, she broke. So Hermana Argyle and I bought him another one before this...he´s going to be so to come! lol :)

Well, I´m like running out of time, I think I´m emailing earlier next week because we might go to the don´t forget to call the bank because I´ll need money!! 


Well I just want to say that the language is coming easier after I flipped out on Hermano, we have talked about it and we laugh. I just want to clarify it wasn´t a mean flip out. It was like a please help me flip out. 
These next Year and a half will not be the best years of my life. It will be the best year and a half FOR my life. 

Keep Praying, Keep Fasting. 

Hermana Dreiling"


  1. Hna. Dreiling,
    You crack me up! So glad to see you're still totally yourself and working hard to do what's right! You're so compassionate and outgoing which is the perfect combo for an Hna! The more you mistakes you make the better speaker you'll be! Don't be afraid to try out a little Spanglish. It's amazing how often you'll be right! Just take it from me, don't tell people you're pregnant when you mean to say you're embarrassed, that is one Spanglish mash-up that doesn't work! Lol. Luckily I figured that out before my mission but just after telling my boyfriend's parents hello and that I was "pregant" (embarrasado) that I can't speak Spanish very well. Lol. They set me straight pretty fast.
    The best lessons I learned in the mtc and ccm were "Don't forget to pray!" Stay positive, and to keep focusing on the big picture (your purpose) and not the little words or conjugations or trials. It's the spirit that counts, he can help bring things to your remembrance. Rely on that! Study and study and speak your language as much as possible!
    I'm praying for you! You've got this!
    Love you!
    Lana Dahle

  2. Love that I found Hermana Dreiling's blog. My son is Elder Brian Farley - they are in the same district! Hope all is going well this week, as I heard that there is yet ANOTHER VIRUS making its way around the CCM!


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