Friday, July 25, 2014

First Week in Mexico MTC

´´Let me just start off with...PLEASE fast for me. This Spanish is KILLING me. I don't know anything. I'm actually fasting right now for it. First day, our teacher spoke only Spanish to us...I have no idea what is going on....ever. I´m studying my big butt off all the time. Please pray and fast. 

Here in the Mexico CCM, there are CRAZY rules!!! Like, no shaking hands (because Diarrhea is going around), no all, Hermanas and Elders can't sit at the same lunch table, AND (the best one) Hermanas can´t touch because we´ll look ´´gay´´. Yeah.....we got a lecture on that our first Sunday in Relief Society. On our second day here, we had to teach a lesson to an SPANISH! WHAT?! Literally read my Preach my Gospel the whole time...awk. It went well though, his name is Emmanuel and he thinks I´m a crazy person. Speaking of that, EVERYONE here thinks I´m a crazy person....even our teacher Hermano Hurtado. He always rolls his eyes at me because he thinks I´m crazy and bad at Spanish...but I know he really loves me and I´m his favorite student! :) 

My companion is from Utah and we get along really well but being with someone 24/7 is HARD WORK! But, I´m working on it. :)

The weather here reminds me of Mardi Gras weather. Cold and bueno.

Oh, first Sunday here and I got chosen to SPANISH. So over They have this thing where everyone has to prepare a talk and then they will randomly choose you to speak DURING sacrament. So, I had about 2 minutes to prepare. I always forget I´m older than the Elders and same age as the Hermanas!

We got our Investigator to commit to baptism! on our second lesson...whut up. We are good. I lead the lesson because Hermana Argyle is worse than me in Spanish lol.

I have a normal name-tag, bleh. Mikey was like oh cool, you'll get a different name-tag...nope. We had 200 new people come in with us...the most ever, so I think they sent the name-tags in from Salt Lake. The food is actually really good.....#surprised 

I am tired ALL the time. Literally....yawning every 10 seconds. I cant´t wait for my P-day nap! These days feel like WEEKS and these weeks feel like DAYS! Yet, I feel like I haven´t seen ya´ll in forever. I feel like I was born in this CCM! Tell Mikey, Ricky and Dad to email  me. I live for P-Days and Sundays....

I love you guys so much and I miss you so much, there are literally no words. But I am here for Heavenly Father, whom I love the most. I WILL Endure To The End.

LOVE, Hermana Dreiling"

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