Thursday, August 7, 2014

Week 3 in the MTC

´´I've been here for 22 days!!! Only 19 more left!!!

So I went to the Enfermia for my toe. It got super red and then turned super white and swollen. The doctor said he doesn't know what it is. He originally thought it was a wart but it isn´t. Pero, he treated it like a wart by giving me like a weird band aid and antibiotics...and it´s getting better. He still doesn't know what it is though....The whole MTC fasted on Saturday night until Sunday lunch and I had to take my medicine.....I didn´t even think about how I couldn´t take it with an empty I WAS LITERALLY DRUGGED. Sooo stinking funny. During our Progressing Investigator time, I wasn´t teaching that night so I literally fell asleep on the floor. (With a blanket that I keep in the classroom because I´m mommy´s daughter and I´m always cold here. Also, our teacher called me an Arab the other day because I had it wrapped around my head too. okay Hermano Woke up and started bawling because I was so tired and I just wouldn´t stop crying.....I remember it completely but I just didn´t know what was going on at the Hermano Hernandez and Hurtado now think I´m a drug addict and a psycho person. I´m surprised they haven´t recommended me for the Therapist on site. Again, church things just bring embarrassment, and then misery. lol

So we have two investigators.....our teachers....and the lessons go really well with Lucio and REALLLLLLLY awful with Jesus. It´s Hermano Hurtado and he just talks so fast in Like the other day he said something to me in Español and I literally couldn´t figure it out....finally after like 3 minutes of us just going back and forth with ´´Que?´´ and ´´ksdajfhakdjf´´ (that´s what it sounds like half the time) he was fed up and just said, ´´I said you dropped your pen´´ So much awkwardness in that room. I was like, ´´okay, en el nombre de Jesucristo, Amen. Adios, nunca hasta luego.´´ I understand Gospel things and can speak it as well but I cannot understand or speak conversational things. Apparently they don´t teach you that here....weird. okay? I´ll learn it in the field. 

So my old District Leader is SO POWER HUNGRY. He is just one of those guys that feels like he was born to be a leader. I literally want to punch him in the face. every. day. But I don´t :)

Our water is FIXED! Hallelujah! 

Hermana Argyle and I get along REALLY well. Like we have never disagreed. She´s going to Phoenix with me, along with those other boys who I took pictures with the first P-Day! The ginger and blonde! But Elder McKenzie is going to Tulsa, Oklahoma. (There are Latinos there?) But they are my favorite district EVER. We hang out with them more than our actual district, just because our District likes to play Volleyball and ONLY Volleyball (you know how I feel about that) and then 6c likes to play anything the Hermanas want to sweet.

Tell Mikey to be a good brother and write me. Kthanks, love ya. And Ricardo to write me back. Kthanks, love ya.
Johnny Lingo night sounds SO fun! Do you know that I´ve never seen it?!

So today for P-Day we went to the Mexico City Temple Visitors Center. It is SUPER cool and SUPER high tech and the whole thing was on families and I was bawling my eyes out the whole time. Why would they do that to a missionary. It´s not right man, it´s just not right...I bought a lot of cool things like 2 cool key chains for ya´ll and a backpack and scripture cases. They are awesome scripture cases! like leather and a Mexican carpet one. I´ll send pictures! 

I think that´s it for now. Less than 3 weeks left until I´m back in the States....with burgers....PRAISE BURGERS.I love you guys and I´ll see you in ALMOST 17 months. 

XOXO, Hermana Dreiling (Dobby)´´

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