Monday, November 17, 2014

October 27, 2014

Hey guys updating is going to be back on track now. Sorry for such a long break between updates!

"Me gusta español mucho ahora.... Pero no mi compañera. Nunca.....
Si, estoy todavia con ella..... :(

The Ward gave all of us missionaries (there are 3 companionships in
this Ward, the rest are elders) cards and chocolate....for no specific
reason! Just a thank you for our service to the sweet is
that. Obispo Menchaca said, "tell your parents thank you for
me....thank you so much!" He's grateful how my parents raised me and
for who I am. Is that not the cutest thing....He's probably the second
nicest Obispo in the world. (First one being my dad lol) :) they also
all tell me I'm going to stay in La Joya for my whole mission. They
said, "Your mission is not the Phoenix Arizona Mission, it's the La
Joya Phoenix Arizona Mission!!!" MEXICANS ARE SO FUNNY. I also harass
my WML by saying I'm switching to English and he freaks out every
time. Bringing out doctrine and his advice. I laugh so much here. I
love this Ward!

I've seen so many people from home here. Because I'm from
Florida...and that's not close. Lol....confused. Yeah. I saw Elder
King....he was in my zone in the CCM. He's in the Scottsdale mission
and it's super cool that every surrounding mission can come visit with
investigators, recent converts, and less actives. It shows how
important the temple is!!! I've seen the Cerveras, the Robbins, and a
missionary who served in the Beneva Branch! I also saw all of Nina's
best friends from EFY! Nina and Ricky were supposed to come too but
didn't because it would be too much work for Ricky to take off! BOO.
So they owe me a huge package.... :)

We are staying at other sisters apartments for Wednesday, Thursday.
Friday, and Saturday nights because we carpool with them. My apartment
is about 20-30 mins away from the temple! Their apartment is just like
10 mins away from ours, but it's easier just to stay the night with
them than getting up earlier (we already get up at 5) to meet
somewhere! So we still travel like 20 mins there! #nottooshabby

Oh and a mom offered her son to me there....he was like 40 years old
and single. So awkward. So nasty. And someone hard core fell in the
reception tent on took everything in me not to laugh
because I was so uncomfortable. (I laugh when I don't know what to do

Kay, well I will see you in 445 days!!! Less than 15 months!!!

Xoxo, Hermana Dreiling
(The only person who has ever been in the La Joya Phoenix Arizona Mission)"

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