Thursday, December 4, 2014

November 24, 2014

"Missions are super interesting, and then sometimes it just feels like routines. I've started that gratitude journal and I really like it. I look forward in writing in it everyday. I put down bullet points of what I was grateful for that day. I will send home my gratitude journal and regular journal when I finish, and you can read them! :)

Sooo, we had 2 investigators at church....super exciting! I haven't even had ONE attend since I've been here! Also, there was a family that we got a referral for whom we haven't been able to find lately....but they went as well! Ahhh, the work is hastening and I'm soooo excited! Alsooo, we had the Rendon's at church, the Rangel's, and Hermano Cordova....all less actives in our area!!! I finally feel like a missionary, despite already being one for more than 4 months!

La familia Rendon had us over for cena on Saturday and almuerzo on Sunday. I love that man. I call him abuelito and every time we go over, he cries tears of joy and says there is happiness and joy in his heart. We aren't even doing anything but talking and sharing stories that I don't understand. Sometimes I feel a little bitterness from Hermana Turner because she makes remarks like, "yeah, everybody loves Hermana Dreiling...." but in a snotty way. I'm just sittin over here like, "DON'T H8 ME CUZ CHU AINT MEH." #byefelecia
I know I'm Hermano Rendon's fave.... Duh. 

I'm still so exhausted all the time. What en el mundo is wrong with me? 

So apparently our Ward is doing something for all the missionaries for Christmas. One of the Primary Kids told us that he knows we aren't with our families for Christmas, so they are going to make it feel like home. HOW CUTE. This Christmas might be a little hard for me....but just Christmas, I'll be going home in 18 more days....cray cray. 

This is the difference:
Gift of Tongues- "The Lord can bless us with the ability to speak that language."

The Gift of Interpretation of Tongues- "This gift is sometimes given to us when we do not understand a language and we need to receive an important message from God."

I loooove singing in German!!! I love that language.....why don't we live in Germany, Kelly?! I feel so deprived.... ;) Every morning we sing a song with our apartment and I sing in German! Bahaha, I love it. I actually sound really good. I don't know what I'm singing, but it sounds legit!

Well, not much else is going on....just getting over my cold I got a week ago and being a servant of the Lord. Packages are still appreciated. Love you. 

Xoxo,  Hermana Dreiling"

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