Thursday, December 4, 2014

November 18, 2014

"Well, I found out I won't be getting transferred. Buuuut, neither will my companion! We're staying for another transfer. Yay. 

The Cultural Celebration was this week and it was SO FLIPPIN COOL. I SAW THOMAS S. MONSON, DIETER F. UCHTDORF, DALLIN H. OAKS, LYNN G. ROBBINS, AND RICHARD J MAYNES. Seriously the coolest thing ever. Did anyone watch it? It was pretty amazing and spiritual. Oh, can I just say.... President Uchtdorf waved to me....I totally Mormon fangirled. But I mean, come on, it's Uchtdorf! So that bad to say? C'est la vie.... WELL, I also felt like a celebrity! As we were all walking out to sing Called to Serve, every single person there was clapping and cheering for us and also taking pictures and videos of us....what?! I felt like Beyoncé. I felt a little Anyway, the whole night was a very big testimony builder for me. 

We got 5 NEW investigators this week....that is UNHEARD of in La Joya Central. We are working our 3 square miles. I have been speaking a lot in Spanish. I seriously have the Gift of Tongues......just not the Interpretation of Tongues. Was I even blessed with that? If not, I BLAME PRESIDENT CLOVER. Just kidding, I'll get it within the next 14 months. Which brings me to my next point.....

what? how did this happen? 
i feel like ive been gone for so long, but 4 months already? 
cray. only 419 days until im home. and 37 until SKYPE. 

AHHHH. I think I'm going to pee my pants that day. Also...Thanksgiving is next week.....what. When did Halloween happen? It was hot here, and then Sunday, it was 64 degrees and I was pretty sure I was going to freeze. Who am I? I cannot handle cold weather at all. God knew what he was doing when he put me here....I would literally die anywhere else. 
#louisiana&floridagirl #through&through

I found out a new dicho and I've been saying it to everyone....
"Del dicho al hecho hay gran trecho"
Apparently in English it's supposed to mean, "There's many a slip 'twixt the cup and the lip"

I have lost some weight, yes. But they do feed us....SO MUCH. My stomach has expanded so much that I'm like RICKY and MIKEY now.....a bottomless pit. I hate it. #mexicans
I have had tamales so much on my mission, and I love them. But I had one that was DISGUSTING. They had olives and prunes in them. TOGETHER. oh man, I couldn't eat them. And I can eat almost anything now....including pig feet, menudo, mole, chincharon, y Elote. I LOVE ELOTE. It's basically corn on the cob, with mayo (only gross part) all around it, Parmesan cheese, tajin, and lime juice all on top. Super good. Try it! :)

Packages are still appreciated. :)
10350 W McDowell Rd.
Apartment: #3225
Avondale, AZ 85392-9539 

Xoxo, Hermana Dreiling"

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