Thursday, December 4, 2014

December 1, 2014

"Hi there,

I finally think I know what I want to do as a career. I want to be a photographer/videographer for weddings, senior pictures, families, kiddos, etc. I love taking pictures and talking to it would be perfect for me. But I still want to know how to do hair because I want to do my own blonde hair.....MEH. But also, HUMANITARIAN. You know I want to be a humanitarian. I thought I knew what I wanted to be, and then I wrote it to you and now I'm unsure again. Are you serious? I STILL DONT KNOW WHAT I WANT TO BE WHEN I GROW UP. Life is full of hard decisions. Lol

This is my favorite story from President Thomas S. Monson...I read it in my Personal Study while I was sick....but I heard it once before in Seminary:

“Late one afternoon I was swimming at the Deseret Gym, gazing at the ceiling while backstroking width after width. Silently, but ever so clearly, there came to my mind the thought: ‘Here you swim almost effortlessly, while your friend Stan languishes in his hospital bed, unable to move.’ I felt the prompting: ‘Get to the hospital and give him a blessing.’

“I ceased my swimming, dressed, and hurried to Stan’s room at the hospital. His bed was empty. A nurse said he was in his wheelchair at the swimming pool, preparing for therapy. I hurried to the area, and there was Stan, all alone, at the edge of the deeper portion of the pool. We greeted one another and returned to his room, where a priesthood blessing was provided.

“Slowly but surely, strength and movement returned to Stan’s legs. …

“Frequently Stan speaks in Church meetings and tells of the goodness of the Lord to him. To some he reveals the dark thoughts of depression which engulfed him that afternoon as he sat in his wheelchair at the edge of the pool, sentenced, it seemed, to a life of despair. He tells how he pondered the alternative. It would be so easy to propel the hated wheelchair into the silent water of the deep pool. Life would then be over. But at that precise moment he saw me, his friend. That day Stan learned literally that we do not walk alone. I, too, learned a lesson that day: Never, never, never postpone following a prompting” (“The Spirit Giveth Life,” Ensign, May 1985, 70).

And it's so true. There is a song and the words are there for a reason, "LET the Holy Spirit Guide". We have to LET him guide us. We can never ever shut him out. 

{rant over}

So there is a family in this Ward whom I LOVE. And they love me....and know how much I love babies. Well, they have a 4 month old baby boy and they ALWAYS try to make me hold him. The other night at the Thanksgiving activity...they put him ON MY LAP. I was so stressed, I didn't know what to do but scream, "I CANT HOLD HIM. I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO. I CANT TOUCH HIM. BAHHH, WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME. meh, HE IS SO CUTE. I STILL CANT HOLD HIM!!!" Then they took him off my lap. I feel so bad because Mexicans always want you to hold their babies and it's like kinda rude if I don't. I haven't yet though. I'm going to ask President what his thoughts are. Spanish Speaking missions are so much different than English. Especially with Mexicans. 

So we have this investigator who has a 5 year old grandson named Angel. Angel is literally considered morbidly obese and is on a strict diet to help him lose weight. He has a lot of confidence issues because of it because other kids have made fun of him his whole life. BUT, he is my favorite little boy in the world. He came to the activity the other night and I was trying to get him to play with the 5 million other kids we have in the ward but he only wanted to play with me. Soooo, NATURALLY, I gathered all the younger Primary kids in a circle and said we were going to play a game. I then tagged a little boy named Devin and ran away. I literally had a swarm of about 12 kids (ages 2-6) chasing me around the gym in the middle of the dinner. I was also screaming. It was the funniest thing. But, I'm the best for it because Angel made friends. :)

So I emailed Grandon Rutter! My friend is serving with him and was in the same district as him so he gave me his email! He's doing great! His comp is 6'6....HUGE. His family is living in Houston, if yall still want to move there. You've already got card buddies. :)

We had 2 Thanksgiving dinners! One at lunch at about 3 and one at 5. At the 3 o'clock one, it was Thanksgiving Mexican Style. Elote, turkey with chile, chunky mashed potatoes, and jello. The second was with the Grady's and it was a traditional "white" Thanksgiving dinner. When she called us to invite us, I almost started crying I was so excited. Because she literally called it a "White Person's Thanksgiving Dinner". Yeah, Mexicans. Ebony's husband, Grady served in the APM just 2 years ago. He got back when Mikey got back. Now he's back in La Joya married to Ebony. He's super white and from North Carolina (go tarheels). I showed him dad's selfie with the Heels Flag in the background. He was excited!

We had another investigator at church today. But 3 at the activity. It's an awesome feeling. :)
Obispo is coming out with us tomorrow. I can't wait! He is an awesome guy and always wants to help us! 

Well, I'll talk to you more next week! Love you! Only 24 more days!!!!

Xoxo, Hermana Dreiling"
"For the Thanksgiving activity, the Hermanos got together Saturday morning and fried 10 Turkeys. I tried Fried Turkey Guts. It was a fun time."

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