Monday, November 17, 2014


November 10, 2014

"Helllooo duuuur,

I don't have much news from this week! I stayed inside for 3 days because we think I have the flu. I don't really ever throw know that... But I have had nausea, achyness, diarrhea, fever, headaches, been weak, and literally EXHAUSTED. I've literally slept all day for the past three days. Sooo, not much news from that.

This Saturday is the Temple Cultural Celebration and all the missionaries are going to be in it. We are singing two songs with the has sign language with it. YOU CAN WATCH IT. 

Then on Sunday, that is the Temple's my first!!! I'm super excited for that! Other than that, noooot much!

We had 2 less active's come to church this of them I have gotten super close to. His name is Hermano Rendon and he is the funniest old Mexican I've ever met! He's diabetic and doesn't take care of himself so I get mad at him EVERY TIME we go over. He said he would go to the temple open house if we brought him cookies. So we looked for sugar free ones....they don't exist. So we made him a sugar free cake cut into the shape of a temple! He went...and then yesterday he went to CHURCH. Man, I'm so happy for him. It was the first time in 22 years he has been to church. 

You're probably wondering why I never write home about my investigators. ITS BECAUSE WE DONT HAVE ANY. BAAAHHHHHH!!!!! It kills me! Not a lot of stuff happening in this area.mwe have 3 sq miles to work with. Apparently it has been really unproductive for a while. Buuuut, next week is transfers and we will see what happens. We will only have 13 Hermanas in the whole mission. We aren't getting any new Hermanas but we have two leaving, sooo he will either have to combine two areas, or shut down an area....but either way, there is going to have to be a trio, UNLESS he moves an Hermana to English..... SPECULATION. Apparently we aren't supposed to speculate, but I literally have yet to meet someone who doesn't. We speculate with our Zone

Ohhh, one funny thing that happened this week is I figured out why I love Obispo Menchaca so much....HE LOOKS LIKE DADDY. Bahahaha I was laughing for like 20 mins straight after I figured it out. Obispo is so shy, he gets weird when I talk about it. Or it stresses him out to think about having a daughter as crazy as me! Probably the second one.....

Well just know the holidays are coming up so any packages are appreciated. 
Feel free to send any. :)

Xoxo, Hermana Dreiling"

November 3, 2014

"'Can a woman forget her (crawfish head) sucking child, (APPARENTLY
KELLY DREILING CAN) that she should not have compassion on the
(daughter) of her womb (who is on a mission)? yea, they may forget,
yet will I not forget thee."
Isaiah 49:15

Thank you God, for not forgetting me. Kelly, no excuse.

Well this week was a doozy...worked at the final days of the Open
House and oh I tired. Thursday night was the busiest night.
I left at 9:30pm and there was a HUGE line weaving in and out of the
church and outside of the temple...apparently the Sisters in the
reception tent didn't leave until 10:15pm.....and our curfew is 9.
Halloween was slow and nobody memorable really came through except a
girl who looked like she was 18, she was dressed as a cat and had
super tight black spandex on. She also had a hole in the butt of her
Spandex and it was suuuuper classy. I want to think she didn't know it
was there and just thought she was wearing super tight spandex to the
temple....but who really knows. I also told everyone I dressed up as
Beyoncé master. OH, remember Elder Farley from the ccm? The one
who always looked at me crazy in all of my pictures? WELL, his family
went through the Open House and I met them! Super cool experience!
They are so sweet, and follow my blog....SHOUT OUT TO YOU HONEY!!!
(Honey is her that not the coolest?!)

Saturday was pretty busy all day, and I met someone from Mikey's
mission. Can't really remember his name....pero esta bien! I was with
another Sister all day and she told me her story. She is an amazing
person.....she grew up in a house where her parents were Hoarders and
her sisters used to abuse her. She said they had no furniture except
beds because they couldn't. Their rat infestation made it hard for
them to have anything. They had hardly any electricity and she is the
only active one in her family. She is paying for everything by car, school, mission, housing, etc. She is amazing to
me and I look up to her. A lot of the Sisters do not really get along
with her but I think she is so inspiring. For hew to be the way she is
after growing up like that, is amazing.

Alsoooo, I was in the reception tent for The Open House and a man came
up to me and said, "Good job on the temple, you built it all yourself,
right?" And I was like, "Yeah, someone had to do it. Wasn't too hard
though." And he was like, "How did you get Moroni up there?" And I
said, "I strapped him on my back and climbed up there like Mulan." He
just walked away.....I don't know what that means. Then, a woman saw
my name tag and saw that it said, "Hermana Dreiling". She came up to
me and said super slowly, "Do you speak English too?" Homegirl, that
is the only thing I speak accept sarcasm....DO I LOOK MEXICAN?!

The temple dedication is November 16th! And we don't know the details
for that yet. Buuuut, we do know we will be participating in the
Cultural Celebration!!! You can watch it online too!! That will be on
the 15th! Watch it and look for me! :)

I am becoming a much more patient person....oh. my. gatos. I'm pretty
sure I can deal with anything. ALSO, charity. Everyone needs charity
in their lives. It makes you feel better. If you aren't praying for
charity. Start. It tells us in the scriptures that what we need to ask
the Lord in prayer for charity. I have and he has blessed me
sincerely.  The Mish life is getting better everyday. But it's because
I'm developing more patience, charity, and faith. Missions show you
your weaknesses and totally crushes you until you hit rock bottom and
then you can only go up from there. It's crazy. And it sucks. But it
will be worth it because I will know how to deal with my husband and not kidding.

I also decided I want Moroni 10:32 for my plaque. And I'm good for my
driving record, I already sent it in!

Wellll I love yall and thank you for supporting me in everything. I
know I'm crazy and that's okay because God loves me lol. And he won't
forget about me....refer to paragraph one.

Xoxo, Hermana Dreiling"

October 27, 2014

Hey guys updating is going to be back on track now. Sorry for such a long break between updates!

"Me gusta español mucho ahora.... Pero no mi compañera. Nunca.....
Si, estoy todavia con ella..... :(

The Ward gave all of us missionaries (there are 3 companionships in
this Ward, the rest are elders) cards and chocolate....for no specific
reason! Just a thank you for our service to the sweet is
that. Obispo Menchaca said, "tell your parents thank you for
me....thank you so much!" He's grateful how my parents raised me and
for who I am. Is that not the cutest thing....He's probably the second
nicest Obispo in the world. (First one being my dad lol) :) they also
all tell me I'm going to stay in La Joya for my whole mission. They
said, "Your mission is not the Phoenix Arizona Mission, it's the La
Joya Phoenix Arizona Mission!!!" MEXICANS ARE SO FUNNY. I also harass
my WML by saying I'm switching to English and he freaks out every
time. Bringing out doctrine and his advice. I laugh so much here. I
love this Ward!

I've seen so many people from home here. Because I'm from
Florida...and that's not close. Lol....confused. Yeah. I saw Elder
King....he was in my zone in the CCM. He's in the Scottsdale mission
and it's super cool that every surrounding mission can come visit with
investigators, recent converts, and less actives. It shows how
important the temple is!!! I've seen the Cerveras, the Robbins, and a
missionary who served in the Beneva Branch! I also saw all of Nina's
best friends from EFY! Nina and Ricky were supposed to come too but
didn't because it would be too much work for Ricky to take off! BOO.
So they owe me a huge package.... :)

We are staying at other sisters apartments for Wednesday, Thursday.
Friday, and Saturday nights because we carpool with them. My apartment
is about 20-30 mins away from the temple! Their apartment is just like
10 mins away from ours, but it's easier just to stay the night with
them than getting up earlier (we already get up at 5) to meet
somewhere! So we still travel like 20 mins there! #nottooshabby

Oh and a mom offered her son to me there....he was like 40 years old
and single. So awkward. So nasty. And someone hard core fell in the
reception tent on took everything in me not to laugh
because I was so uncomfortable. (I laugh when I don't know what to do

Kay, well I will see you in 445 days!!! Less than 15 months!!!

Xoxo, Hermana Dreiling
(The only person who has ever been in the La Joya Phoenix Arizona Mission)"
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